The Centre for Excellence    
  Positive Behaviour Support Training  

CEPL: Ability Consultants Leadership Training

The Centre for Excellence In PBS Leadership (CEPL)

We're building the next generation of PBS  team leaders — join us!
Write your awesome label here.

A message from our CEO

Our burning goal is to build the power of our clinical leadership team. Because we're a growing company, we want to nurture and develop our talent for tomorrow. If you're a proficient practitioner and already have happy clients, you've got what it takes to be a team leader!
— David Ackling-Jones

How to complete our CEPL courses

  • Complete most of Base Camp first!  Click here to return to Base Camp. 
  • Enrol for free and work at your own pace!
  • Keep your Team Leader in the loop by letting them know your progress at your 1-1.
  • Save your certificates for your portfolio.

Who are we teaching?

Proficient positive behaviour support practitioners who want to become tomorrow's team leaders. We know everyone is starting their team leader journey from different places. Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced mentor, there’s something in each of our modules for you.

What are we teaching?

We asked our senior PBS practitioners what excellence in PBS team leadership looks like and we asked their mentees what they feel matters most. After 21 conversations we got our answer across three themes:

What's included?

Mentoring you can trust

It starts with the heart, and the relationships you build based on trust, collaboration and empathy.

A pathway to advance 

It clarifies your role early on and provides you with a learning journey to acquire valuable skills at your own pace.

Certified skills 

It focuses on the core skills that make a real difference; taught in a safe way that builds confidence.

CEPL Courses

1. Awesome Induction

Our induction process sets you on the the path to becoming a strong team leader. We offer a clear understanding of the role and a pathway to acquire the capabilities you'll need. On joining Ability Consultants, each person is assigned a team leader right away so they immediately get to see team leadership in action. These courses are now part of our Base Camp induction. 

We provide training and certification in: 

Getting Great with AC Systems

AC systems free you from hours of paper work and online searches to do the clinical work you love instead. In this module we help you access our online collaborative tools and resources that make your clinical work a lot easier. We also let you know about our peer consultation and mentoring groups that are designed to be safe, enjoyable and helpful.

Restrictive Practices

We cover NDIS guidelines on the assessment and use of restrictive practices and consider common practice scenarios. You will learn what is a regulated restrictive practice, how to assess, evaluate and report on a restrictive practice and the definition of prohibited practices. A particular focus is on The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission guidelines.

The Role of Team Leader

Being a team leader at AC means wearing many different hats each week. In this module we set out what the role is, and explain clearly what we mean by supervision, coaching and mentoring. We also discuss the yin-yang of clinical versus operational support and consider good practice in self care and wrap around support for you.

2. Inspiring Teaching

We purposefully engage highly skilled, resilient, curious, flexible learners who want and expect feedback at each stage of their practice. Our team leaders meet our practitioners where they're at, building on their strengths and supporting them to continue to improve and excel at the same time.
We provide training, coaching and certification in:

Deliberate Practice and Scaffolding

Working with us provides real opportunities each day to develop skills and to grow as a practitioner. As one of our mentees said, "The best conversations with a team leader often start with, "Am I stuck? Am I crazy? What's my next step?" We embrace this uncertainty and think carefully about the next steps to improve a person's practice. We pay special attention to deliberate practice and scaffolding, two particularly helpful approaches in the safe pursuit of mastery.

Feedback Informed Mentoring

We show you how to quickly get the most important information you can (feedback) from the real experts (your mentees) on how well you are doing at building effective mentoring relationships. In this module we show you what kind of feedback matters most, and a great way to ask for it. In addition, we give you a validated brief scale you can use to start getting feedback immediately. Finally, we let you know the most helpful way to respond to the feedback you receive.

3. Empowering Relationships

We nurture highly effective team leaders by establishing mentor/mentee relationships which are safe, trusting, ethical, empathic and empowering.
To help us do this we provide training in:

Motivational Conversations

Motivational interviewing is a collaborative person-centred approach that helps build a person's own motivation and confidence to change. Deeply respectful, it is an empathic, engaging and collaborative way of being with another person. We'll show you how to build trusting relationships and give support based on partnership, acceptance, compassion and evoking a person's own wisdom about learning and change. You'll gain the core skills that underpin empathic working alliances.

Frequently asked questions

I can't see my courses?

Sign in to see how to access your CEPL courses. Please note that CEPL courses can only be accessed by Ability Consultants team members. 

Are there any prerequisites?

Yes, please complete Base Camp before completing CEPL. You'll be happy to know that the first three courses in CEPL are also within Base Camp, so by completing Base Camp, you're also working towards CEPL completion. 

I completed a few of these courses not long ago, should I do them again?

If you've completed a few of the courses in the last twelve months, there is no need to recomplete the courses. If it's been more than 12 months, it might be a good idea to review the course content. Our learning platforms will recognise that you have already completed these courses. 

Are the modules for anyone to complete?

At the moment the modules are for AC practitioners only. In the future some of the modules may be made available for PBS practitioners working elsewhere.

Do I have to do all the modules to become a team leader?

It's highly recommended that you complete CEPL before becoming a team leader. Please have a chat with your team leader or view the Team Leader Expression of Interest for more information. 

Can I complete a module even if I don't want to be a team leader?

Yes. If you and your team leader think it will help you in your current role then that's a great idea.

If I pass all the modules do I automatically become a team leader? 

Not automatically, but it makes you a strong contender. We would love you to become a team leader if we both feel it's a good fit for you. Speak with your team leader to find out more.

Is there ongoing learning?

Yes. The modules are really just the start. Most growth takes place in your day to day practice with follow up coaching and feedback from your team leader. A good way to think of this is as a high performance learning journey with approximately 10% training (the courses), 75% practice (applying the training in your own work), and 15% ongoing coaching and mentoring from your team leader. 

Who do I ask if I need help?

We're more than happy to help! Visit our FAQ page or get in touch with us using our contact form.