The Centre for Excellence    
  Positive Behaviour Support Training  

Free Positive Behaviour Support training 

Functions & Formulations

Informative and in-depth training about behaviours of concern, establishing a baseline and understanding the functions of behaviour.
Write your awesome label here.
As a PBS practitioner, this course will teach you how to integrate best practice and data-driven processes into your daily practice. You'll also sharpen your PBS skills to support your movement through the NQSC PBS Capability Framework. 
— Chris Wood
Senior Behaviour Support Practitioner & Team Leader

How to complete Functions & Formulations

  • Work at your own pace!
  • Start with Unit 1: Introduction, followed by Unit 2: Establishing a Baseline for Behaviours of Concern.
  • Next, complete Unit 3: Identifying Functions and Writing a Formulation.
  • If you're a PBS practitioner, save your certificates for your portfolio.


In this course, you'll enhance your skills as a behaviour support practitioner. You will:
deepen your understanding of evidence-based PBS practices
understand the positive behaviour support cycle
learn how to deliver respectful, accessible, person-centred support
learn about behaviours of concern and how to establish a baseline
learn how to complete formal assessments including the CoCB & FAI
learn how use observations and data to establish a baseline
understand the functions of behaviours of concern
learn how to write a person-centred formulation
gather evidence of learning for your portfolio

Functions & Formulations courses

What people are saying

#respectful | #engaging | #thankyou | #informative | #comprehensive | #amazing | #empathic

In depth and great to see how another organisation formulates their positive behaviour support plans, I certainly enjoyed how thorough this course was with content. Plus being free is amazing, thank you! 
Loved it! So respectful! 
Well-delivered, detailed information. The use of case study examples really helps to consolidate what is taught, the emphasis on respect and taking a person-centred approach is great! References to resources and consistency of presentation are also great!
The content in this course is clear and well presented. It includes practical examples and helpful tools. I appreciated the focus on writing a formulation that elicits an empathic response from the reader.
Emma Fumini
A clear and concise course which deepened my understanding of the formulation section. The knowledge will refine my approach and the course gave me clear language to explain concepts to clients and stakeholders.
Barbara Bevilacqua
The course information was presented in small chunks of time so that I could watch in pieces around my work schedule. I really appreciate the course! Looking forward to the next one!

Frequently asked questions

What is this series about?

Functions and Formulations takes an in-depth look at behaviours of concern and is designed specifically for positive behaviour support practitioners. This course will also assist other members of a person's support team, by highlighting the importance of understanding behaviours of concern and offering alternative ways to view these behaviours. 

How many units are in this series?

The Functions & Formulations series includes 3 units. 

Do I need to complete this course in order?

It is highly recommended that this course is completed in order, i.e. Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3. 
If you're not ready to complete the whole course and you're interested in a specific lesson, you can visit that lesson e.g. you might want to learn more about completing an Functional Assessment Interview. 

Are there any prerequisites?

If you're an Ability Consultants team member, we recommend completing Base Camp first, or within your first three months of starting. Our Base Camp bundle is only available to members of the Ability Consultants team.

I've finished the course but I'm not able to obtain my certificate. 

All course items need to be marked as completed, with a green tick. If some items have a grey or red dot, go back and check you have completed the item. If the item is "transcript", click on the item and it will turn into a green tick. 

Which course should I do next?

Once you've completed our Functions and Formulations series, enrol in our Multi-Element Interventions series, where you''ll learn about quality of life, Proactive Strategies, Reactive Strategies and Reducing Restrictive Practices. Click here to go to start our Multi-Element Interventions series. It's FREE!

Who do I ask if I need help?

We're more than happy to help! Visit our FAQ page or get in touch with us using our contact form.

I'm interested in joining the Ability Consultants team. How do I apply?

We're recruiting Behaviour Support Practitioners throughout Australia and we'd love to hear from you. Please visit our Careers page for more information at